-----Message d'origine-----
From: Theodore Held
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 7:04 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] lotus effect with Colocasia fallax
The lotus effect is quite common in my experience. It has been getting
a lot of attention in the popular press lately and there are a number
of academic studies of the phenomenon using nano materials. A Google
search will turn up many hits.
One of the best displays can be seen on the humble aroid Pistia.
Leaves of Pistia will support quite a large water droplet with no
wetting of the leaf surface that supports the hairs.
Ted Held.
2011/1/11 Geneviève Ferry :
> Dear aroiders ,
> Today, three students came looking leaves Colocasia fallax to understand
> the
> phenomenon of superhydrobicity (lotus effect).
> Do you have information on this phenomenon?
> (Experience, etc. ....)
> Thank you for your help.
> Best wishes ,
> Geneviève Ferry
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