This is a delightful little plant with 7-fingered leaves, petioles about
5 inches long. One of the two previous leaves just turned brown and fell
off, and this happened so quickly that I became worried about a possible
problem. But a tiny leaf is emerging so maybe all is ok. Can I ever
expect more leaves than two? How large will this little guy become?
Philodendron Burle Marx "Fantasy"
This is an incredibly slow growing plant that has been leafless for over
one year. All that's there is a 3-inch dark green stem, with a couple of
frail short roots. What can I do to stimulate growth, in particular some
leaves? The plant has been in this condition for over 12 months, and its
rather remarkable that its still alive.
Gonatopus angustus
This is an interesting multi-leaved Gonatopus. Leaves are usually no longer
than 20 cm. The plant has a rather large and odd shaped tuber giving the
impression that the leaves will be large, but this is not the case. I
recall Wilbert saying that this is typical behavior for this species. My
question is, what stimulates flowering? Both tubers have been in my
collection for three years but have never flowered.
Don Burns Plantation, FL USA Zone 10b