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Re: [Aroid-l] Why is Monstera deliciosa to be kept in the adult
From: Johannes Moonen <emeraldjunglevillage at wanadoo.fr> on 2010.09.04 at 21:42:18(21379)
Dear Ferek,
i keep M delicosa since 1991 on my lawn. They where 2 cuttings i
'found' in Caracas. by time they developed great leaves and have
flowered, but not regulary. I don not do anyting for them, just let
them creep on the ground.
I have seen this in gardens in Fla too.
In the 60's M. deliciosa was in Holland a fashionplant.
I t might be responsible for my love for aroids.
Cheers, Joep Moonen
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On Sep 2, 2010, at 8:13 AM, Ferenc Lengyel wrote:
> Dear all,
> Does anybody know why M. deliciosa keeps its adult form in
> "captivity"? All the other Monstera species, Philodendrons and
> Epipremnums usually stay in the juvenile form in pot culture and
> need humid tropical conditions and climb on a support to reach the
> adult form. Even the they can easily revert to the juvenile form if
> returned to normal house conditions. But not M. deliciosa. Why?
> Ferenc
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