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[Aroid-l] Dear Jude
From: Theodore Held <oppenhauser2001 at gmail.com> on 2010.08.31 at 17:42:48(21361)
Goodness, Jude, I certainly hope you can make it. I will be happy to
meet you and I'm sure that you will be warmly received by everyone. I
certainly was, my first time. I don't know sign language, but will be
happy to help as I can. Perhaps someone on the list knows an
interpreter we can rope in?
Regardless of that, our show is several things at once. Yes, it's a
flower show, with a selection of large, showy aroids on the main
exhibit floor. Some of these (especially the largest ones, which weigh
a ton) are supplied by our vendors, many of whom are local to the
Our vendor section comprises perhaps a dozen or so commercial people
who have numbers of rare aroids (or their tubers or corms) for sale
and who are very free with advice. Come earlier rather than later
since some offerings get sold out quickly. The show can be attended by
anyone, member or not.
We are also hosting informational lectures through the afternoon on
Saturday. Lectures are held in a separate room and are informal
affairs. Usually there are many pictures and the presentations are
The banquet is held on Saturday evening and is followed in the same
venue with our keynote address. This is a sort of annual meeting and
is attended by most of the members that have also been to the balance
of the show. Some non-members also attend. The food is very good.
We also have an auction for benefit of the IAS. I don't know the
schedule for that offhand, but it's well worth attending. At the
auction you will see some really rare plants. To my mind the auction
prices are far too low. But this is probably a plus if you wish to buy
rare plants and are not Warren Buffett.
The show is held at Fairchild garden. This alone is worth the trip
since the grounds and greenhouse are special venues in themselves with
many aroids on display.
I'll see what I can do to find a guide for you who can help a deaf
person. But if I am not successful in that, I'll come prepared with
some note pads. My handwriting is legible, more or less.
Ted Held
| +More |
Board Member.
* * *
Thank you for the reminder, and more information.
I, as a newcomer, have a couple of questions. First, could somebody
give me a brief outline of what this show looks like? What I am
envisioning is, something like an annual flower show - but this
banquet / speakers have me questioning my assumptions.
My second question basically follows the first - being deaf, I wonder
if there are any resources for finding an interpreter for something
like this? Being from Massachusetts, I have no idea how things like
this are addressed in Florida, if at all. I'm just putting this out
there that there is a possibility that somebody might know somebody,
who might be interested in checking into this? I personally am
perfectly comfortable communicating through pad and pen, but
understandably, will not be able to get much out of the
lectures/speaker presentations, so at this point, I'm thinking that if
this is a "flower-show theme" - then I would come during the actual
"show/sale" part of this show, where I can meet (vendors/members)
one-on-one, as opposed to being in a platform-type setting where
multiple conversations are going on within the group.
Sorry if this became long-winded, but I wanted to just check on this -
It is, of course, my first IAS show, which I'm very excited about -
and just wanted to see what it's all about.
Do people just come and go, or is this basically a show for only
aroiders who are involved here? (Is it publicly advertised, in other
Will certain people be bringing certain plants to sell, or is this
more of a private member trade type of thing?
Again, I do apologize for the obvious new-ness of my questions. Have
faith, I'm learning! :)
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