From: Don Martinson <llmen at> on 2010.08.25 at 15:08:43(21324)
On 8/24/10 2:23 PM, "" wrote:
Hey guys
Is it just my computer, or do people just not post often at all? When I signed up, I was under the impression there would be a fairly large base of people on here, so I would have thought I'd be getting more emails? Or is my computer acting up? (Nothing in my junk folder.)
So, trying again... I'm just putting a feeler out there - is anybody selling or trading anything these days?
Have a good one!
Hi Jude (I was tempted to say Hey Jude, but...)
I don’t know the current count (is there an actual count?), but this list has hundreds of aroid enthusiasts from the heights of the horticulturati, down to rank amateurs (like myself). The activity on this (and many other lists) can be very much like a roller coaster; periods of high activity when a particular subject is being discussed or debated, interspersed with periods of relative quiet. For what it’s worth, this list has recent lost one of it’s most beloved members to cancer (I’m sure I’m not violating any HIPPA laws here), and maybe some folks are just a bit “down”. Also it’s late summer and many of us may be out tending to our plants or trying to get in that last vacation before Labor Day. This variation is just the natural course of things with this and many other lists.
You’ve already made your introduction, which is a good start. So not to worry, sit back, relax, and wait for a subject to come up. Of course, you’re still free to post a question of your own and often times that will start the ball rolling.
It’s also been my observation that not much “trading” shows up on this list. Somewhat puzzling in a way, considering the volume of seeds some of these species produce. But many of our members are professional growers, and their “extra” seeds become the future inventory. Occasionally, someone will post “I have some seed of X available, if interested, please contact me privately.” Please take the “privately” seriously, as most transactions are best conduction privately, or “off-list”. Sometimes the person will be asking for some type of payment, others will be satisfied with a trade for something they don’t already have. But the bottom line is that offers of trades and the like are completely at the discretion of the poster.
FWIW, I have recently obtained several dozen seeds of Anthurium willdenowii..
I don’t want to make any offer of them (most likely free or for a trade of some sort), until I have evidence that they are viable and I would prefer to actually have some small plantlets to send. I don’t know how uncommon or desirable this species is, but the more uncommon the offering, the more interest it will generate (best not to offer cuttings of a ‘Golden Pothos’ (Epipremnum aureum), for example.
And finally, in regard to selling; There are many fine growers on this list who have businesses selling to the public. They wisely do not “beat their own drums” and advertise on the list. A good internet search will find these sellers. (Hint: Might this not be a good link to have on the IAS Website under “Aroid Sources”?)
I hope I have answered your concerns and not bored the other members to tears.
Don Martinson