----- Original Message -----
From: ExoticRainforest
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 6:05 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] I need to borrow a photo!
I have a page on my website that I have been researching for several years. I need a photo of a large group of Spathiphyllum (Peace lilies) growing in water as they do in nature. I don't care if the photo is from a botanical garden or was taken in South or Central America but I would love to know the species shown in the photo. If that is not possible, please show it us us anyway.
Every time I try to explain to folks on one of two plant discussion sites these plants love water I get blasted! Dr. Croat told me himself these species are "water hogs" and thanks to Pete Boyce I have collected and read all the papers I can find that explain how they grow in nature. The only paper I can't find is George Bunting's paper which is now close to 30 years old. If you have it in PDF format, I'd love to have a copy.
I grow a group of Spathiphyllum in a 55 gallon aquarium under very bright light (330 watt) and they grow great, There roots are in no soil at all, just inside plastic cups made for mounting plants for this purpose. The leaves commonly grow so high they begin to block the lights so we are constantly removing them.
People refuse to even look at my photos if they believe these species love to grow in a dry pot of regular potting soil in a dark corner and be watered once every other week. I am constantly told they should not be watered until they are begging for a drink! That makes no sense for a tropical plant species and neither does dark light due to the requirement for photosynthesis to produce their own food. Yep, I fully understand they also grow naturally in shade but a great deal of the colony lives in brighter light and if I understand it correctly they are able to share nutrition through their
Here is the page I would like to post the photo on and I will gladly credit you as desired or your institution if you are with a botanical garden. I know the New York Botanical Garden once had such a display but I don't know if it still exists. I would really like the photos in color but if black and white is all you have send them anyway.
People complain on the internet all the time that their plants aren't doing well but when porous soil is discussed and any mention of water and light is made some people just go ballistic and refuse to listen (not counting the "nice" things they say). I have a second large colony in my atrium that is now over 20 years old that spread a full three feet and the rhizomes are thick.
I would really appreciate your assistance! If you have more than a single photo please post them here or send me a note. By the way, the pair of angles recently laid eggs and we had to give away most of the babies once they got to the size of a nickle. Two babies now live in the tank as well. You can see the spathes at the top of the tank. The "Peace lilies" love to grow in water!
Steve Lucas
PS: I always enjoy knowing if there are errors on my site! Just be sure and document why the facts are incorrect. I do my best to document everything as you will see if you read the page.
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