From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at> on 2010.06.27 at 02:25:31(21147)
Dear All,
So sorry to hear about this. I usually try to analyze the situation rationally. Recently too often I get messages that someone working a lot with aroids dies or is seriously ill. Probably this will make me an insomniac until I (or someone else) solves this puzzle. I looked at the names of aroids, both scientific and common ones. Many of them refer to the creatures of darkness, of things causing fear and commonly known as "evil". In botanical names we find Draco, Typhon, Sauro. Often they come from unpleasant smell or appearance, we all know that aroids are poisonous because of calcium oxalate, but let's dive deeper. Into such domains of life like religions or superstitions. In many European languages the common, sometimes very old traditional names are connected to demonic entities. "Adder's Tongue", "Devil's Tongue", "Devil's Ivy" are examples in English, in other languages: Czech "Dablik" = devil, Norwegian "myrk/m�rk" = dark, Finnish "vehkeily" - trick, intrigue (trap inflorescence?). The origin of the name Arum/Araceae is also mysterious, it may come from "aroma", but as well from "ar" - fire (red fruits?) or even from Charon.
Some aroids were researched by NASA, the research proved that the popular tropical aroids like Spathiphyllum, Epipremnum, Philodendron and other plants living in shady, humid biomes (ferns, orchids) emit negative ions which are helpful for human's health
(relaxing), but... if they emit something, they require other substances. Which ones?
I've also read that many aroids release histamine, a neurotransmitter responsible for inflammation in the human immunity system, what is it? Even my doctor had to search in a book and was not sure when I asked him about histamine. It is used for curing vertigo, too.
These are some facts and probably there no person who knows responses for all the question marks.
Do we feel unsafe when we are in places where are no aroids, are they addictive?
Are our treasures perfidious slow-killers?
or maybe we (gardeners, botanists, nature lovers) are just more fragile than people who build houses, repair cars, compete in sport
and we create a modern mythology - in the orchid world there are also names like Dracula nosferatu - fantasy or deeper sensations (radiesthetic etc.)
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----- Original Message -----
From: ExoticRainforest
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Saturday, June 26, 2010 6:34 PM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Julius Boos and Tricia Frank
One of the only two surviving founders of the International Aroid Society, Tricia Frank, died last night after a long bout with pancreatic cancer. This is a major loss to the IAS.
I spoke briefly with Julius Boos yesterday who also has been fighting pancreatic cancer for one year and he has never sounded so very weak. He is also in a hospice at this time. Julius is one of the most knowledgeable and highly respected members of the IAS and if you've ever read much in the archives of Aroid l or more than one page on my website you have found he has made thousands of posts and I quote him often.
About 30 minutes ago Julius called me to tell me he felt worse today and just wanted to talk. His voice was much weaker than yesterday and I had to listen very carefully to understand what he was trying to convey. We talked for close to 5 minutes which is the longest time I've been on the phone with him in more than a month. He says he has trouble eating, is extremely weak and was obviously depressed.
Please keep both of these great aroiders and friends in your thoughts. Our community will greatly miss Tricia and we only wish the best to Julius in his struggle with this horrible condition that has affected them both.
Aroid-L mailing list
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