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  [Aroid-l] aroids as medicines including againt snake bite!
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2010.03.27 at 12:56:12(20763)
I am curious if any of you know anything about theuse of aroids as a medicine. I have had a brief discussion with afriend in Ecuador about the possibility the oxalates in thejuices of some of some aroids counteracting the venom of snakes.

Pete Boyce has a mention of this in his paper A review of Alocasia(Araceae: Colocasieae) for Thailand including a novel species and newspecies records from South-West Thailand in regard to Alocasiacucullata and my friend in Ecuador explained Anthuriumspecies and other aroids that "bleed" white are used as an "ant-bite" while "clear bleeders" are considered to be better against snakes. InEcuador Caladium is also used by the Shuar and jungle Kichua totreat snakebites.

Julius, since you are our resident expert on Caladium, tell uswhat you know!




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