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  [Aroid-l] Tubers, corms and bulbs, oh my!
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at exoticrainforest.com> on 2010.02.10 at 09:27:42(20558)
A rhizome is a stem that runs eitheralong or just beneath the surface of the soil.

For those that don't have a good grasp on the term stem, a stem is thebase, central axis and main support of a plant normally divided intonodes and internodes. The nodes often produce a leaf in the axil ofwhich they produce roots and hold buds which may grow into shoots ofvarious forms. The stem's roots anchor the plant either to the ground,a tree or to a rock and may
spread as a repent rhizome meaning it creeps across the soil. Thestem may either grow above ground, underground or partially above thesoil. As Christopher stated the specialized stem forms are called acorm, tuber or bulb but the only term that is applicable to an aroid istuber.

That info was verified courtesy of Dr. Croat for an article I will havein the next issue of Aroideana.




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