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  Re: [Aroid-l] Supervolute vernation. Finally a photo!
From: Don Bittel <donbit121 at hotmail.com> on 2010.01.15 at 05:04:33(20475)
I have always thought that convolute and supervolute vernation were the same thing. That is, that the left side is wrapped around the right side, which is wrapped around itself. Or vice versa, with right around the left. Most aroids are this way. 

The Pachyneurium anthuriums are involute, looking like two tubes side by side. This includes the common birdnest types, as well as some heart shaped leaves, like standleyi and watermaliense.  Aren't there just these two types of vernation?

You mention that most of the plants sold as hookeri are hybrids. I think that most are true species of pachyneurium types, and if hybrids are certainly not hybrids of hookeri, but are hybrids of schlectendallii or crispamarginata or other common birdnest types. 

And in your last paragraph, you write about scalariform VERnation, which should be scalariform VEnation, referring to the vein structure of the leaf. Just a typo, but confusing to the subject at hand.

shivering in south florida,

Don Bittel



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