----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Marak"
To: "Aroid list"
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 12:59 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Aroid id please?
> Aroiders,
> Would anyone care to hazard a guess about the plant in the attached
> photos?
> It came up in a pot which originally contained a Nervilia (Orchidaceae)
> purchased from a commercial grower. When the orchid had gone on to the
> great compost heap of eternity and I was about to throw the pot out, I
> noticed signs of life - whatever this is. As to size, the pot is about 10
> cm square, and the inflorescence perhaps 2 cm long.
> Other clues: for a time this pot did live in a sun room near a couple of
> anthuriums (obtained from Tom Croat about 20 years ago). They do flower
> and fruit and it is possible that a seed fell into this pot, although
> neither of them ever flowered until much, MUCH larger than this plant
> (leaves in the one meter size range), and the infloresences don't resemble
> this in shape or color. (I'll withold the name of those plants for now -
> both the same species - so as not to influence anyone's thoughts.)
> Thanks,
> Steve
> -- Steve Marak
> -- samarak@gizmoworks.com
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