Dracunculus vulgaris is fully hardy here - not common, but seen in
a few gardens here and there.
Last year we bulit a rock wall/bed ( 30 ft wide, 3 ft tall and 3
ft deep) for plants needing extra good drainage. The long side of ther wall
faces due west-full sun/warm. I planted almost side by side tubers of
Helicodiceros and Dracunculus obtained from Rob McClure the year before.
They were planted fairly deep in the loose soil.
This past winter was very mild (for Zone 5/6) except for a savage
'dip' to -7 F in Mid-March.
Now I can report with some certainty that the Dracunculus did not
survive in this bed, but the Helicodiceros is popping up-and has it's
second leaf. I was suprised at this turn.
I grew Dracunculus in my old garden, but it did not make the move.
Just got a couple new plants during a visit to the generous Steve (and
Cathy) Marak and I have a 'reserve' Helicodiceros in a pot. I have already
planted the new Dracunculs in the same spot following Major Hardy's advice
about killing it twice (and then some). The reserve Helicodiceros will go
into the same bed later when the weather really does improve.
So my zone 5/6 experiement might encourage others to try
Helicodiceros in high and dry sitings. Was this site TOO dry for the
Comments, please. best Jim W.
James W. Waddick Voice: 816 746 1949
8871 NW Brostrom Rd E-MAIL: jim-jim@swbell.net
Kansas City MO 64152 Fax: 816 746 1939
Zone 5/6 - Winter low -10 degrees F Summer high +100 degrees F