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  [Aroid-l] Alocasia X "Amazonica"
From: <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2009.11.15 at 23:39:30(20295)
Dear All,

I only just got the information I was seeking from John Banta concerning the origin of the hybrid Alocasia X "Amazonica".  It was created in Miami in the mid-to-late 1950`s (?) by a mailman named Salvatori Mauro at his nursery, Amazon Nursery.  The ORIGINAL parentage was A. sanderiana X A. watsoniana. (Subsequently to this, John tells me there is an aroid species named in his honor, A. mauroii (?).
Both the late Monroe Birdsey AND John were friends of his, and visited his nursery to see what back then was an exciting event and a beautiful plant!  John will be putting a hard-copy in snail-mail to be tomorrow, so I will add to this when it arrives.
From what I have been reading, it might be that a couple of ''re-creations'' might have been made using different species of Alocasia in recent years??
But the bottom line is that none of the Andre men described this hybrid, it was created in Miami!!! 
If anyone who MIGHT have what they believe may be valid information or GOOD references to literature where it is said "Andre" published, let us know!

Good Growing,




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