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  Re: [Aroid-l] Alocasia Amazonica and Alocasia x Amazonica
From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2009.11.15 at 16:30:52(20285)
Hi Steve,

I will add other probable parents of A. × amazonica = (A. longiloba 'Lowii' × A. sanderiana).

Its leaf margins are undulate, while in A. longiloba they are entire and A. sanderiana has deep lobes.

Alocasia 'Polly' is a newer cultivar, it is more robust, and the leaf venation is thicker.

Alocasia 'Frydek' or 'Freydyk' or 'Maxkowskii' are probably cultivars or hybrids of A. micholitziana, their leaves are velvety.

I'm sending you links to photos of these plants, not to pages.

My pages about these plants were made 6-7 years ago,

and there are a lot of errors in the descriptions. The photos are identified correctly.

http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/alocasia/amaz.jpg × amazonica

http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/alocasia/polly1.jpg 'Polly'

http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/alocasia/grnlf1.jpg micholitziana 'Maxkowskii'

http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/alocasia/lowii2.jpg longiloba 'Lowii'

Being regarded as a hybrid species, the name "amazonica" should be italicized:

Alocasia × amazonica hort.

If something changed recently (during 5-6 years), please don't kill me for false info.





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