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  [Aroid-l] A few Amorphophallus questions
From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2009.10.01 at 21:48:59(20131)
Hello Everybody,

1. My A. bulbifer produced 2 leaves and 2 bulbils this year.

I don't know what to do with the bulbils when the leaves wither.

Should they be stored dry during the winter? In soil or not?

2. My A. haematospadix has fallen into dormancy in autumn of 2007

and it is still asleep. The tuber is healthy and it has a white bud.

It is stored in peat in room temperature.

How to make it grow?

3. Recently many people posted here photos of the "giant" A. paeoniifolius.

Is it a natural variety, a cultivar or just a mature "normal" plant?

4. I would like to publish some photos of this paeoniifolius

in my website Araceum http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/

Copyright credits would be given, do you agree?


Marek Argent



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