From: "Daniel Devor" <plantguy at> on 2009.09.30 at 23:53:48(20113)
Hi Marek,
I have had T. venosum survive here for many years in zone 6a. Last year we
were at -22C (-5F) several nights in a row and they all survived with
virtually no snow cover so I'm not sure why yours do not.
By the way, for those in a reasonable climate I was wondering how large
tubers of T. venosum can get. I pulled a couple out this fall that were
planted in amongst some other more tropical plants that needed to be dug and
the tubers were 6" in diameter (15 cm) and the larger one weighed 3 lbs 13
oz (~1.75 Kg) which is as large as I have ever had. I'm guessing in zone 8
or waremr they must get truly massive, but I was just curious as to how
large they can get?
Got to love those cold-hardy tuberous aroids besides Arisaema :o)
| +More |
Gibsonia, PA where it is going in to the high 30s (3-4C) the next couple of
nights....too early for this!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marek Argent"
To: "Discussion of aroids"
Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Cold Tolerant Amporhs
> Hello,
> It looks rather like A. konjac with a dark petiole. I have never tried to
> leave Amo's tubers in the ground,
> but people say that konjac can survive in zone 6 (I also live in Z6).
> I had no luck with Typhonium venosum reading that it can be hardy in Z6 I
> left all my (about 20) tubers in the ground one year, but the following
> winter was very cold with night temperatures -20*C/-2*F and I lost them
> all.
> Best,
> Marek
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Neil Carroll"
> To: "Discussion of aroids"
> Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:39 PM
> Subject: [Aroid-l] Cold Tolerant Amporhs
>> Doin a yard cleanup for a client today and found this Amorphophallus
>> growing in a compost pile. This is in Mars Hill, NC and is in hardiness
>> zone 6.
>> Thinking Amoph. paenefolius?? What do ya think?
>> Do folks know of other Amorphs that will live in these conditions?...the
>> cold?
>> Neil
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