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  [Aroid-l] Anthurium boosii Croat presentation
From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at ExoticRainforest.com> on 2009.09.29 at 04:51:44(20086)

When I first joined theInternational Aroid Society there was always this "voice" on Aroid l. Something told me it was a "booming" voice but I wouldn't hear it ringfor several years.

That west Indian "voice" belongs to Julius Boos whom some of us nowjokingly call "Uncle Crazy". You simply have to hang out with Juliusfor a day or two to understand why he has gained that handle but Ipromise, it isn't because he is nuts!. Julius is from the island ofTrinidad and has done some of the craziest things you can imagine inhis life. Many of us have been privileged to read of his outlandishadventures while wishing we were right there with him. He's workedwith botanists to grant names to new plant species, he's traveled toexotic destinations, he's worked in the oil fields of South America,he's written scientific articles and he's eaten more aroids than anyliving human! Julius is also one of the most kind and brilliant peopleI've ever had the privilege to know. I don't think he'll scold me fortelling this story but Julius was taken out of school when he was veryyoung. I've never been able to understand why but someone thought thisman with an IQ that may well defy being measured couldn't cope inschool. Believe me, Uncle Crazy should have been the Superintendent ofSchools for the entire Caribbean!

Julius has since become one of my most respected friends and someone Iturn to all the time for aroid information and advice on virtually anyplant question. I'm far from the only one on this forum that feelsthat way. The depth of Julius' knowledge is immense and his incredibleintellect on many scientific subjects quickly astounds anyone that"sits at his feet" to learn.

Lots of people on this forum feel the same way as do I and if youhaven't had the opportunity to meet Ju-Bo then you must make plans toattend the IAS Show and Sale next year in Miami. You won't bedisappointed.

It was a great honor for those of us that were privileged to be at theannual IAS dinner one week ago Saturday night to watch Dr. Croatpresent Julius with an award declaring a new Anthurium specieswill be published to science. That species will be known to the worldof botanical science as Anthurium boosii Croat and I'll bebeating down doors to find a specimen to grow in my personal collection.

With the help of Ted Held I attempted to photograph the award given toJulius earlier in the day on Saturday afternoon but a variety ofphotographic problems made the images far less than I wanted to presenthere. If you've ever tried to photograph anything under glass you'llunderstand. Fortunately Tom had sent the photographs that would be apart of the presentation a few days earlier so I've managed toliterally "cut and paste" an approximation of Julius' award together.

Janice and I plan to be at the Missouri Botanical Garden in earlyDecember and I plan to photograph the specimen of Anthurium boosii thatis in the MOBOT collection in detail. Shortly after that I'll be addinga very special page to the ER website to honor our mutual friend. I'llmake all of you aware when the page goes on-line so all of you can seemore detail of this beautiful Anthurium species that now honorsJulius' work.

Please forgive me if the jpeg you are receiving attached to this noteis huge! I purposely left it large since I wanted each and everyone tobe able to see it in the actual size and read the text.

Julius, I know Leland considers you a kindred spirit and you are asclose to a brother as I've ever known. You are without any doubt oneof the most loved people in the IAS.

We all want you to know how much you are respected for your friendshipand service to the IAS. Your knowledge of and adoration for the plantspecies we all love to grow makes you a very special friend. Thanksfor all the advice and guidance you have given to us all. You deserve a plant fromevery genera of Araceae named in your honor! I know for certain manyothers are repeating almost every word I've just written tothemselves. You are a dear friend to each of us and even though youknow I can't stand I'm now "on my feet" with a raised glass!! Thanks Julius.




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