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Re: [Aroid-l] Aquatic aroids
From: REDRAGON40 at aol.com on 2009.09.24 at 15:37:02(20069)
You may want to check carefully which Amazon swordplant you get. It depends on whether you want it to grow out of the water and how big you want it to get. The final size is important to know ahead of time because swordplant (Echinodorus spp.) roots are invasive to say the least, and removing it later might be problematic. I had one that I put in a tub outdoors that was almost two feet deep and the swordplant put out emersed growth two feet above that. They are heavy iron feeders and grow like crazy in conditions they like. Swordplants actually prefer to grow emersed and one of the appropriate size would be magnificent. There are also varieties with different amounts of reddish coloring which could possibly harmonize with your aroids better than the bright brittle green of some of the ones most commonly seen in the pet shops. You might also consider some of the really small types as companions to the other plants you have at the "rivers edge"
Carol Ross, Bucks County Aquarium Society < ' )))>
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DIVIn a message dated 9/24/2009 1:18:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, Steve@exoticrainforest.com writes:br
BLOCKQUOTE style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: blue 2px solid"FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: transparent" face=Arial color=#000000 size=2Marek, sorry for the delay in responding. We've been at the IAS show in BRMiami. Next year we need to get a jet filled with all you aroiders from BREurope to join us!BRBRIf you check the link I gave you'll see that Devin has created some BRreally neat planting devices that allow you to suction cup the pots to BRthe back of the aquarium. If the plants will tolerate the water you can BRplant them lower and if not just place them higher on the back wall. He BRsuggests using sand or gravel to create the bottom of river and you just BRkeep the larger rocks turned to keep the algae down. Rocks and BRdriftwood are used to hide the planters which are neatly devised. Devin BRdisplayed these at the IAS show and I think he has a hit on his hands. BRI'm about to set up a 55 gallon aquarium using his products and since he BRis on Aroid l I'm sure he'll answer any of your questions.BRBRHis design allows us to simulate a river's edge with aroids appearing to BRgrow terrestrially along the river bank but plants such as BR/Spathiphyllum/ can be grown in the water or at least partially wet. In BRmy case I'm going to plant small /Philodendron/ and other aroids on the BR"river bank" using Devin's pots and the put large rocks and gravel in BRthe bottom. I plan to use a larger rocks and rocks along with BRdriftwood to hide the pots. I'll use the driftwood for the plants to BRclimb on and a large Amazon sword which can be bought at almost any BRaquarium store as the underwater centerpiece. For fish I'm going to BRstick with around 12 neon tetras. The plants will be the actual display BRand the fish are only to allow movement and life. If the bio load is low BRthe build up of nitrates is minimal and algae stays low.BRBRAnyone that tries this needs to keep the bio load low or you'll have a BRbuild up of nitrates. However, in this case those nitrates will be used BRby any plant with roots in the water. Having kept living coral reefs BRfor many years I've learned that if you simply put an undergravel filter BRbeneath the rocks and gravel you'll create an anoxic zone which also BRhelps to lower the nitrate build up. Just don't hook the undergravel BRfilter up! The tank will also need a filter but external filters work BRfine for this purpose.BRBRFor light I'm having a hi intensity aquarium light hung from the ceiling BRwhich will keep the plants healthy.BRBRHere's the link again:BRBRhttp://hydrophytesblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/10-ix-09-tank-i-b.jpgBRBRI'd suggest you go through all Devin's links and look at this photos and BRread his explanation. The concept is really simple and neat. Having BRkept large aquariums for 50 years I think this one will be spectacular. BRI plan to talk to Tom and see what aroids might tolerate the water so I BRcan have a larger choice of plants for the background. Many philos are BRrooted in water so should do well and some Anthurium species may do well BRif not drowned.BRBRForgive me if this is full of typos! My desktop is in the shop for a BRtuneup and I'm trying to type on a laptop with tiny keys!!!BRBRHere's another photo Devin sent today of a tank of /Spathiphyllum/. Tom BRtold me a few months ago these plants are "water hogs".BRBRSteveBRwww.ExoticRainforest.comBRBRBRBRBRBR>
> Hello,
> Are the large plants (like Colocasia) in pots?
> I don't think they would grow good in so shallow gravel.
> What fertilizers do they use?
> I also have a problem with long brown algae in a classical aquarium,
> any fish doesn't eat them, and I don't know what to use not to kill
> plants and fishes.
> The algae grow on everything, on plants, wood, stones and even on glass.
> I reduced the lighting form 60W to 30W, but they still grow slowly
> killing the plants.
> The dimensions of my tank are 100x40x50 cm (40x16x20 inches) - about
> 200 l.
> Can anybody help?
> Marek
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* ExoticRainforest
> *To:* Discussion of aroids
> *Sent:* Saturday, September 12, 2009 11:47 PM
> *Subject:* [Aroid-l] Aquatic aroids
> I posted a note a week or two ago about Devin Biggs' aquatic aroid
> website. These are some of his newest photos of a 65 gallon tank:
> http://hydrophytesblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/11-ix-09-tank-i-m.jpg
> http://hydrophytesblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/scratch-colocasia-ii.jpg
> http://hydrophytesblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/scratch-colocasia-i.jpg
> He said he thought the tank was looking "pretty good". I'd say that is a major understatement!
> Devin will be at the IAS show in Miami next week. If you like to grow aquatics you'd be wise to find him!
> I promise I will!
> Steve
> www.ExoticRainforest.com
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