----- Original Message -----
From: "Devin Biggs"
Sent: Tuesday, September 22, 2009 3:02 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] ?? Water-loving Anthurium species
> Hi All,
> I recently ran into a thread on the UBC Botanical Garden Forums which
> mentioned several terrestrial Anthurium species that occur in
> very wet situations in nature, including river banks and streamside rocks.
> The roots of these anthuriums might grow right in the water
> or in very wet media for extended periods or permanently. I am on the hunt
> for Anthurium that grow well in saturated soils and wonder
> if anybody can help me to source some of these plants(?).
> Here are some of the species mentioned in those forum posts:
> A. amnicola
> A. antiquiense
> A. riparium
> A. rivularis
> A. rupicola
> A. sagittatum
> A. werfii
> Is there a technical terms to describe plants that grow on rocks with
> their roots in the water? There are a number of aquarium plants
> that use such habitats.
> Thanks for considering this. I really would like to hear any ideas for
> sources that might come to mind. Incidentally, a post in that same
> thread also mentioned that "both amnicola and rupicola grow in sympatry
> with a fully aquatic Spathiphyllum sp.". I have never heard of
> any fully-aquatic Spathiphyllum, and I would really like to know more
> about that too.
> Thanks very much!
> Regards,
> Devin
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