From: Devin Biggs <dbiggs at> on 2009.09.22 at 01:02:59(20060)
Hi All,
I recently ran into a thread on the UBC Botanical Garden Forums which mentioned several terrestrial Anthurium species that occur in
very wet situations in nature, including river banks and streamside rocks. The roots of these anthuriums might grow right in the water
or in very wet media for extended periods or permanently. I am on the hunt for Anthurium that grow well in saturated soils and wonder
if anybody can help me to source some of these plants(?).
Here are some of the species mentioned in those forum posts:
A. amnicola
A. antiquiense
A. riparium
A. rivularis
A. rupicola
A. sagittatum
A. werfii
Is there a technical terms to describe plants that grow on rocks with their roots in the water? There are a number of aquarium plants
that use such habitats.
Thanks for considering this. I really would like to hear any ideas for sources that might come to mind. Incidentally, a post in that same
thread also mentioned that "both amnicola and rupicola grow in sympatry with a fully aquatic Spathiphyllum sp.". I have never heard of
any fully-aquatic Spathiphyllum, and I would really like to know more about that too.
Thanks very much!