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Re: [Aroid-l] Dracontium amazonense variagated
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" <hetter at xs4all.nl> on 2009.09.11 at 20:19:41(20005)
I have had several species with plants with and without this variegation
that usually diasppears in larger specimens (amazonense, pittieri,
polyphyllum). I think it is innate to the genus, not a disease.
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> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com
> [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] Namens Daniel Devor
> Verzonden: vrijdag 11 september 2009 12:39
> Aan: Discussion of aroids
> Onderwerp: Re: [Aroid-l] Dracontium amazonense variagated
> Yes, it is fairly common for this species as well as
> polyphyllum to have variegated leaves. There are other
> speices with variegated leaves as well, but I'm draewing a
> blank on them right now.....I got a tuber of one from a
> person in Germany that never emerged from dormancy that was
> to be variegated. What I find odd is that every time a new
> leaf emerges is the variegation can vary wildy from a lot to
> none at all.....do the experts have any thoughts on that phenomena?
> I've attached a pic of my variegated D. amazoense.
> This is my favorite genus of aroids, but they can be tough
> here in zone 6 without a GH.....I've had several now for 5-6
> years and find a few species to be quite manageable even for me.
> Good growing,
> Dan
> Gibsonia, PA
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: E.Vincent Morano
> To: Discussion of aroids
> Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 2:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Dracontium amazonense variagated
> I have a small Dracontium amazonense that has a variegated
> leaf At first I thought it was white spots that were either
> damage or disease. But now that the leaf is bigger, it looks
> to be variegated for sure. I still could be wrong but I think
> not. It could be the result of mu hormone experiments but I
> was not trying to induce variegation as I do not know how.
> Inducing variegation seems to be a closely guarded secret. At
> any rate, I do not think I could duplicate it. I was trying
> to increase tuber growth actually.
> But then again, maybe I did not induce this. So my question
> to the experts is: Is this common for this spp to be variegated?
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