> Reply-to: aroid-l@mobot.org
> And therefore time for my annual Synandrospadix post.
> Also, has anyone else done any testing of the hardiness of this plant?
> Since my plant forms offsets slowly (as in 1 each year, maybe 2 in a good
> year), I put one outside in 1996. Unfortunately, it was not a good test -
> while the tuber survived the winter without any sign of rot, it was
> damaged by "itchy finger blight" in the spring, so I've no idea if the
> climate or my impatience killed it.
> Can anyone offer advice?
> -- Steve Marak
> -- samarak@arachne.uark.edu
Hi Steve,
Good to hear someone else grows this beaut. plant.
I am in temperate zone 9 so I don't know if it will help but my plant
( in a pot ) grows happily through spring and summer then seems to
thrive on a dry winter rest. I don't re-water until I see the first shoots.
I think the dry cold is the important bit.
Grown from seed in July '96 it took 3 months to germinate outside in
temps. 6 - 20 C. It has 2 large leaves now but I am not expecting a
flower for a couple of years.
How long did yours take to flower ?
Two years ago I emailed Eduardo in Brazil to quizz him on this Sth.
American aroid.
He told me it grows from low elevation up to 1500 m, can cope with
cold winters and 40 C summers. It flowers from Oct. - Dec. and fruits
in Feb. It is dormant in the cold , dry winter ( May - Sept. ).
Any more information I have forgotten Eduardo ?
Melbourne is having a cool / mild autumn, a welcome relief from
summer. It still will not rain though. Eduardo will you please take
back your El Nino !
The Arums and Biarums are flowering and Dracunculus canariensis and
Ambrosinia bassii are shooting like crazy.
Hope your spring has sprung.
Biological Sciences
Monash University, Clayton 3168
e-mail: Rob.McClure@sci.monash.edu.au