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[Aroid-l] Any amorphophallus guys going to the IAS show? This will
From: Ty York <exoticplant07 at yahoo.com> on 2009.09.09 at 01:54:34(19976)
Hello everyone, I am Ty York, and my partner is Cory Minnich. We are IAS members and will be attending the IAS show this year for the first time. Quite an expense but we have waited 3yrs to make it. All reservations in place. We hope there will be some amorph people attending as most people mostly are interested in other aroids and we are specializing in growing amorphs and have over 60 varieties now and working on attaining all of them. We are quite excited to attend. We are traveling from Tennessee so its about 15-17 hr drive for us. Well hope to meet some you guys in Miami! Ty and Cory
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