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Re: Two questions
From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1998.04.02 at 15:54:31(1997)
> Hello all,
> I have two questions to ask of anyone who might know.
> 1). There is a Zantideschia of which I would like to know the name. The
> plant gets to be about 5' to 6' high, with green and white varigated leaves,
> and the inflorescence's spathes have the same varigation. In other words,
> they match. It's big and beautiful.
| +More |
> Thanks for help,
> Sue Zunino
Hi Sue,
Zantedeschia ' Green Goddess ' is its name.
A bold looking plant indeed although here in zone 9 it is rather
weedy, so I have lost a bit of respect for it.
Biological Sciences
Monash University, Clayton 3168
e-mail: Rob.McClure@sci.monash.edu.au
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