From: Zach DuFran
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2009 11:02:47 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] MidAmerica Chapter announcement
Fellow Aroiders-
A new chapter of the IAS is beginning in the south central US. The “MidAmerica Chapter” hopes to attract IAS members from Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana and anyone else close enough to drive to our 3-4 meetings each year.
The inaugural meeting will be November 21 in Oklahoma City, OK at the Myriad Botanical Gardens. This tropical conservatory contains an impressive collection of Palms, Cycads, Bromeliads, Gingers, Orchids, Euphorbias, Begonias, and – you guessed it – Aroids!
There is a new page on the IAS website for this chapter, which will be updated as more information becomes available.
If you are in the area, please plan to attend this important event. It will be lots of fun and a great opportunity to meet others who are interested in Aroids. We will take a tour, trade some plants among ourselves, and Steve Lucas might even share a report on the Aroid Show in Miami .
Please contact me if you plant to attend or with any questions you may have.
Zach DuFran
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