In a message dated 9/3/2009 11:40:47 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:
Awhile back I received a lot of responses about my trying to rescue a cutting that was very distressed, but despite my best efforts, it didn't make it. I would like to locate a plant to replace it. I am not a botanist, so please excuse my clumsy description. When I bought it back in the sixties, it was called a blushing philodendron. Here are some of its characteristics:
standard heart shaped leaves a little smaller and narrower than those of common plants seen in garden stores
a grainy microbeaded upper surface that gives the leaves a sort of matte satin appearance
maroon undersurface
bronzy color of newer foliage and growing tips
relatively slow growing, especially compared to my "standard" philo, which is rampant.
I would really appreciate any feedback about this plant, especially whether it is available anywhere. I'm not an aroid collector, this is just one of my top favorite plants and I would love to have one again.
Carol Ross
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