From: ExoticRainforest <Steve at> on 2009.08.30 at 10:11:07(19871)
Having kept many large aquariumssince I was a kid I've always wanted to keep aquatic plants alive inthe house but have had terrible results. I've recently met a newfriend from Britain that is an expert in keeping them not only alivebut flourishing. I'd like to suggest that any of you that may beinterested in aquatic aroids visit Devin Bigg's site on ripariumaquariums. You'll find some very goodinformation.
For those of you associated with botanical gardens, Devin has a line ofproducts to make keeping your displays impressive. Take a look.
If you are planning on being at the IAS show in September Devin hasexpressed an interest in showing some of his work. I don't know ifthat will happen yet but personally I'd love to see it. I've got afeeling Julius and Ted Held would as well!
See you in Miami in less than three weeks!