From: Don Martinson <LLmen at> on 2009.08.06 at 01:44:30(19642)
Go to the following site:
Then scroll down to the following listing:
Mystery Fruit Revealed!
June 1, 2008
A good description and photos to boot!
Don Martinson
| +More |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
On 8/4/09 11:11 PM, "Steve Marak" wrote:
> Aroiders,
> I thought this topic had been discussed before on Aroid-L, but I can't
> find it - how long does it take Monstera fruits to ripen, and how does one
> tell they are ripe?
> Last year about this time, a Monstera cutting in the greenhouse (which
> had, of course, gone through into the ground) began flowering. Two fruits
> formed. I thought I remembered from that previous discussion that I can't
> find that it takes quite some time for them to ripen, so I wasn't
> concerned until I saw it flowering again the other day and realized it's a
> year later.
> Last year's fruits are indeed a bit softer, but in the way that wood is
> softer than rock, not in a way that makes me think they're edible.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> -- Steve Marak
> --
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