Marek Argent wrote:
Yes, there's something wrong withthe server where my pages are.
I talked today to the owner, he saidthat it is being repaired.
There are not only my pages on thisserver, there's also for example the owner's online shop,
so I hope it will be done soon.
-----Original Message -----
From: ExoticRainforest
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent:Wednesday, July 29, 2009 8:51 PM
Subject:Re: [Aroid-l] Scientific language
Marek, I just tried to read yourpage and the link does not appear to be alive. Can you check it?
I'd like to add the link to my webpage on this species once I know itis alive.
Steve Lucas
Marek Argent wrote:
I've written a page aboutpropagation of Zamioculcas from leaflets.
I don't know many scientificEnglish terms, please correct me if i made mistakes.
Marek Argent
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