-----Original Message-----
To: suez@sprintmail.com
Date: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 1:20 AM
Subject: New photo
>Greetings: I received this message from Ron Gagliardo at the Atlanta
>Botanical Garden. The address for the photo is:
>This plant appeared in a batch of Amorphophallus planted out from our
>lab in Oct. 97. At that time, we had 5 species in culture, A.
>curvistilus, gigas, knojac, titanum and variabilis. Some of these other
>species are seen in the background. This particular one is most likely
>a mutant of A. konjac, but we can't be 100 % sure because when it came
>up in the greenhouse, it was among the tc plants, but without a label.
>It does look like A. pendulus in the Aroideana photo, but we have never
>had A. pendulus at ABG and of course, never had it in tissue culture.
>So, that's the story. Of course, we plan to put this clone back in
>tissue culture and hope it comes true.
>He thought you might be interested in seeing the plant.
>Richard L. Mansell Phone: H(813) 961-7072
>Biology Department, LIF 136 W(813) 974-1588
>University of South Florida Fax: (813) 974-1614
>Tampa, FL 33620
>Home: 13508 Little Lake Place, Tampa, FL 33613-4134
> E-mail- mansell@chuma.cas.usf.edu
> WWW - http://www.cas.usf.edu/~mansell/mansell.html