[] On Behalf Of Lengyel Ferenc
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 2:41AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Philodendron"SCHÖNBRUNNER HYBRID"
I have a house plant that I would like to be identified, ifpossible. It is a climbing aroid and looks like the plant offered in the germanebay as Philodendron "SCHÖNBRUNNERHYBRID". Its leaf venation does not look like that of a Philodendron. Ithas collective veins (at least I think so) like Anthuriums. However, it has nogeniculum at the junction of the petiole and the leaf blade. The upper side ofits leaves is slightly velvety. The upper side of the older leaves is darkgreen, the lower side is lighter green. The younger leaves are bicolorous withdarker and lighter green areas as if it would have been sick, but it is not thecase. As the leaves mature, the upper surface becomes uniformly dark green. Theleaves are about as large as a man's hand (about 18 cm x 11 cm). It hasn'tflowered for me, so I can't say anything about the inflorescence. I have takensome photos of it (attached).
Is it simply an unknown hybrid? Or something else?
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