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Re: [Aroid-l] Mature Typhonodorum Lind. In European collections?
From: "Horak, David" <davidhorak at bbg.org> on 2009.03.09 at 13:51:22(19173)
I have seed of Typh. lind. that isapproaching maturity. I will have to check to see if I can send it legallyoverseas. It certainly should not be a CITES issue, but if a phyto is required we would not be able to do it.However, if you are interested, I can certainly send some to you or smallplants. I have quite a few as well as Montrichardia arborescens seedlings. Ihave a couple extra divisions of the Lasia spinosa that probably originatedwith you; perhaps a dozen chunks of Lasimorpha senegalense; as well as about 8-10huge pieces of Cyrtosperma merkusii. The Cyrto. had to be chopped up last week tomake room for a Victoria in one of our pools. I am keeping a couple divisions besides whatwill be on display. It is annoying to me that I have such a hard timedistributing excess material, but between the time spent packing and now thecosts (which we cannot absorb) for shipping it is tough.
I would love to be able to get them to thearoid community but we cannot afford to ship and most people do not have theroom to absorb much plant material. If you have suggestions let me know. I hateto throw plant material away.
Dave Horak
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-----Original Message-----
From:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com [mailto:aroid-l-bounces@gizmoworks.com] On Behalf Of ju-bo@msn.com
Sent: Sunday, March 08, 2009 7:51AM
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Subject: [Aroid-l] MatureTyphonodorum Lind. In European collections?
Dear Aroidophyles,
Does anyone in Europe have mature plants of the Madagascan giant aquatic aroidTyphonodorum lindleyanum?
I would like to try to obtain a couple of seeds for an aroid grower inItaly. Growers in the USA do not seem willing to post seed overseas.
This plant species, when mature, bears LOTS of huge seeds, so anyone with amature plant probably has many seeds every year, so lets be kind and do a''good deed'' for a fellow aroid grower.
Good Growing,
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