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  [Aroid-l] What's wrong with my X. violaceum?
From: "Marek Argent" <abri1973 at wp.pl> on 2009.03.08 at 10:42:44(19167)

Hello Aroiders,

A few years ago I got a plant of Xanthosoma violaceum.

Its leaf blades were about 15 cm (6") long.

I cultivated this at home in normal conditions and I was repotting it every spring.

This winter it began to produce more and more small leaves. One of the tubers lost all of them.

I append a photo. Each leaf is smaller than the previous one - the newest is 2.5 cm (1") long.

Did it fell into dormancy or is it dying?

The corms and the roots are healthy, so what can be the reason?

Here are some photos how it looked before:


I remember I had the same problem with Alocasia x amazonica and A. reginae,

in winter it had small leaves, and it died.

I think it may be caused by too low air humidity.


Marek Argent



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