Daniel Devor wrote:
Hi Steve,
While I have not been there inperson to facilitate the export permits I can say that getting exportpermits to do things on the up-and-up from Peru took nearly 9 monthsfor the nursery owner at the Peruvian end 2 years ago when I importedfrom there. It could be that for so-called "scientific" reasons theexports might be easier, but for the person I worked with who routinelyexported CITES protected plants (cacti) it was a nightmare gettingAmaryllids (not CITES protected) exported into the U.S. Perhaps if youare working with someone at a University in the country of origin theymay be able to make it easier. I assume that others that collect inthis manner may be able to help you there!!
Getting the import permit at yourend will take 10 min to fill out if you take a coffee break half-waythrough the labor intensive process!!! Go the following site: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/permits/index.shtml
Click on "permits" then click on"apply for a PPQ permit" and then fill out PPQ587.
Do not get bogged down in everyspecies from every country you may or may not import. You are applyingfor a permit to import any legal plant from any country so you do notneed to list every plant and every country. By the way, this info camedirectly from the people at the USDA when I talked to them on the phoneso it is accurate. I've been importing from around the world for manyyears and the only time there have been problems is when the exporterdoes something incorrectly, which unfortunately does happen onoccassion.
Easy as pie at your end so best ofluck,
-----Original Message -----
From: ExoticRainforest
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent:Saturday, February 07, 2009 11:57 PM
Subject:[Aroid-l] legal plant importation
I know a few on this list havegone to South America and brought back specimens, at least rhizomes,stem cuttings, seeds, etc. I don't know if we'll be able to do thisanytime soon but I would like to make plans just in case. It has beenyears since I was fortunate enough to spend time in Central and SouthAmerican rain forests but my knowledge base is now improved enough Icould really learn a great deal more if I were able to get into thefield once again if for no other reason than to take a lot morephotos.
Can those of you who know how to do this legally tell us all how to goabout getting the permits from both the export country as well as theU.S.? Of course I am not talking about collection of any CITESprohibited material.
Steve Lucas
Aroid-L mailing list
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