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  Re: [Aroid-l] great Photos from Joep Moonen!
From: "Windy Aubrey" <exotics at hawaii.rr.com> on 2009.01.31 at 23:22:39(19014)

I stand corrected.

I believe Dr. Tom is correct that this plant in question is a form of A. macrolobum, the hybrid I mentioned in my reply to what the image from Joep might be.

I re-examined my A. pedatoradium and they are a little different, being thinner lobed.

The A. macrolobum (A. pedatoradium X A. clarinervium) I saw before had more of the parent A. clarinervium's white veining, so for that reason I was thrown off, but the leaf shape was identical to the plant shown in the image you showed.

I will post a picture of the A. pedatoradium I received from Chiapas. They are just started to grow out.




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