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  Re: [Aroid-l] Wikipedia
From: hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2009.01.31 at 20:16:51(19010)
At 08:42 AM 1/27/2009, you wrote:

Julius and Steve, and othersinterested in Truth and Honesty,

Let me tell you a story about Wikipedia.

Let me tell you a wiki story. for the second time i went there to look upan obscure subject, and for the second time it had a familiar ring, andfor the second time it was because I HAD WRITTEN IT. now i do not gosomeplace for info in order to read the palaver I had questioningly putforth. look for real kosher footnotes on anything you read in wicki. i amnot the only sufferin bastid who found his or her own word staring backat him and or her on wicki! but it is FUNNY@

hermine certified wiki expert



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