----- Original Message -----
From: "Taylor Holzer"
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 8:05 AM
Subject: [Aroid-l] Aquatic aroids
I am an Taylor Holzer I am 14 I am an Aroid collector and i would like to
add some aquatic aroids to my collection.
i have a large aquarium 55 gallons with some fish. and a smaller one that is
10 gallons with nothing.
i was thinking about adding Pistia stratiotes, spathiphyllum, and
Cyrtosperma to my 55 gallon.
in the 10 gallon i was thinking about adding anubias, and cryptocorynes.
also i would like to have a typhonodorum could you keep them in just wet
are there any other aquatic aroids i could grow in my aquariums?
any help would be appreciated!
also if you have seeds for these plants i would appreciate them.
i only currently have the spathiphyllum in the aquarium.
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