From: "Windy Aubrey" <exotics at> on 2009.01.11 at 03:24:01(18891)
Hi Don and Carol,
I have this Anthurium as A. scandens and, like you mentioned, it is almost
always in bloom producing it's lovely pearl like berries.
It's a compact trailing species that makes a beautiful full specimen with
it's small leaves.
I like it because it's really different from the other Anthuriums I grow.
I would be more than happy to send you some seed to grow on.
It's a fairly fast grower and you would have some nice size plants in no
Contact me with your address if you would like some to try.
I can also give you some easy instructions for growing Anthuriums from seed,
if you are not familiar with the process.
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Martinson"
To: "aroid-l"
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2009 12:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] aroid recommendations
> Carol,
> It would be great if you could be fortunate enough to find a source for
> Anthurium trinerve. While I grew it, it always seems to be in bloom,
> remained very compact and consistently set the most attractive light
> purple
> fruit.
> Best photo I can find is:
> This photo does not show the mature purple fruit, but here is one that
> does:
> (this is from one of my own plants while I
> grew
> it)
> I would love to find a plant or seed for myself!
> Don Martinson
> Milwaukee, Wisconsin
> On 1/8/09 1:50 PM, "Carol McCarthy" wrote:
>> Hello Good People,
>> I work at a university greenhouse that supports, among other things,
>> the
>> teaching of a plant taxonomy class. Can you please recommend some
>> species in
>> the Araceae family that I could grow for the class?
>> Requirements: 1) Tropical or subtropical, a year round greenhouse
>> grower.
>> 2) Can be kept to about a 6 inch pot size or smaller and be a blooming
>> size
>> plant. 3) Ideally the plant would bloom fairly often or could be
>> convinced to
>> bloom around the second half of September in a greenhouse in the USA,
>> West
>> Virginia. 4) flower structure, fairly typical spathe and spadix.
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