From: "Sherry Gates" <TheTropix at> on 2008.08.18 at 19:13:39(18407)
Dear Marek, and the rest of the gang, especially Marek,
I hope I didn't give the wrong impression in my e-mail about that Philodendron. I truly hope I didn't offend you in any way, or come off as confrontational. I promise, that was never my intention. I have the utmost respect for you and the other people on the list and the wealth of knowledge among all of you.
Then I heard from an IAS member that you may have been referring to chemicals that could have been used way back in the plants' past that may have had long lasting effects. If that did happen, could the effects come through years later via one of the cuttings? So far only one plant has done this. I freely admit that I have no idea.
I knew Russ was only joking with me about the power plant. (big smile)
I am grateful for all the information and help I have received from the folks on the Aroid list. As y'all know, good solid information on Philodendrons and other Aroids can be hard to find! This group is an oasis in the desert.
Marek, if I did offend you at all, please accept my most sincere apology.
Sherry Gates