Sorry- Let's start again-
I purchased an interesting Philodendron, one I had not seen before, on Ebay. The seller called it Philodendron warmingii. I checked Tropicos and didn't see a P. warmingii listed. I pulled out the copy of Exotica which I have had since the early 1970s and the plant looks closest to the plant Graf calls P warmingii. Does anyone know what that may be and if so where I may find literature on it ?
And while I'm asking, Graf has a picture of a Philodendron he calls martianum which looks nothing at all like P. cannifolium. My P. martianum (cannifolium) looks just like his photo of P. cannifolium I saw a piece of this Philodendron once at either the Brooklyn or the NY Bot. many years ago. It was growing in the succulent house and the leaf blades were red, thick and leathery and about 6 inches long. I've been looking for that one for 30 years. Anyone know what that might be?
In defense of Mr. Graf, he was in large part dependent on information obtained from the N.J. growers like Roehrs, Manda and others, whose greenhouses were established in the 1800s. NJ was the major port of entry for the tons of newly discovered plants arriving annually in the U.S. from Africa, Asia and South America as Florida was still a swamp. The stuff came in so fast that you could barely describe it (or photograph) it fast enough. The book is full of errors, as were the collections and herbariums of most botanical gardens of the times, but its also full of photographs of interesting Aroids many of which I have an interest in attempting to grow whatever their proper scientific name. W.A. Manda's greenhouses were full of misnamed plants but I miss Bob and his son Alan (the last of the Manda's), their beat up copy of Exotica and the plants they grew as they gave me an interest which I have enjoyed my entire life.
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