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  [Aroid-l] Gardens to visit and sustainability links page
From: drplantman at gmail.com (Jeremy P) on 2008.08.12 at 12:29:03(18371)
Hi Listers,

Firstly apologies for being slightly off-topic for a couple lists!

A little while ago I wrote asking for links about sustainability and top
rate Botanic and other Gardens to visit. Thanks to all those who sent
through their suggestions - I've finally managed to collate the suggestions
and turn it into a readable list. You can download it here:

Gardens and links page

If that doesn't work, email me offlist (drplantman at gmail.com) and I'll send
you a copy pronto! I'd love to expand the sustainable links page so if you
have other resources or suggestions please feel free to send them through
and I'll update the file.

Many thanks again,


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