IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  [Aroid-l] ubba dubba reticulata
From: lbmkjm at yahoo.com (brian lee) on 2008.07.19 at 21:08:46(18197)
Dear Pete and all techies in virtual world,

Yes, I live in the lap of luxury and do have a landline on a rotary dial. However, it is faster to use my tried and true system of smoke signals. I usually keep a small fire bundle handy near the garage...but with the recent trade winds, my wife has been nervous about the dry tinder lying about the house. In the old days, we had sliced peach cans and strings, but the multiple threads for our long distance connections were hard to negotiate in the bedroom. Once we gathered up all of the string; we were first runner-up in the Guiness ball of string contest for the Pacific region. Our problem with the pigeon system was that they never returned home...your cat may be the explanation.



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