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[Aroid-l] Philodendron unknown, probably a hybrid.
From: lbmkjm at yahoo.com (brian lee) on 2008.07.11 at 17:41:48(18136)
Dear Steve and Russ,
As you know, I am not particularly interested in hybrids, but, I do have a few. Some of the Philodendron that Roberto Burle-Marx gave me have been hybrids of unknown parentage...very attractive curiousities. One of these turned out to be Philodendron speciosum x Philodendron goeldii hort. developed by Burle-Marx and Karl Wendlinger...now there are many crosses using these and other P. goeldii crosses...a whole range of variations. Some of the more attractive ones are Philodendron stenolobum x P. goeldii.
This 'Golden Dragon' looks like several hybrids that I have been seeing recently that appear to have Philodendron bipennifolium as a parent plant. There are many Philodendron that have spots on the petioles and with spots on the underside of the blades...off hand, I do not know if these have a particular function. Could photos be supplied to show the stem with leaf scars, petioles, and cataphylls or other details that supply more clues? Even at that, these identifications would be only educated guesses, so I am curious what value this information may have.
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--- On Fri, 7/11/08, ExoticRainforest wrote:
> From: ExoticRainforest
> Subject: Philodendron unknown, probably a hybrid.
> To: "Discussion of aroids"
> Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 4:15 AM
> Philodendron unknown, likely a hybrid.
> Russ Hammer forwarded two photos of an odd Philodendron
> with spots along with this note:
> "Hi Steve, here's an interesting question I've
> been asked by the owner of this Philo. She bought it as
> 'Golden Dragon', probably from one of the Thai
> sellers on Ebay. She asked me about the spots on the
> leaves in the 2nd and following photos. She says the spots
> eventually disappear as the leaf matures, as in the first
> photo. So she's assuming the spots are natural, but
> for what purpose. Any comment? Also, any idea what
> species this might really be? Obviously Golden Dragon
> means zip."
> The plant appears to be an adult so I've added the two
> photos to a blind link on my site. Can all of you look at
> these and tell us if you recognize any features of this
> Philodendron? It will be faster to see the photos on the
> link rather than try to download them at this size to your
> email boxes. Both the upper lobes and the bottom lobe
> appear distinctive.
> http://www.exoticrainforest.com/Philodendron%20unknown.html
> Do any of you recognize anything about this plant that
> could indicate one of the parents? I suspect this is a
> hybrid but simply do not know. Both the upper lobes as
> well as the lower lobe appears familiar. The spots
> I've never seen. If it is possibly a species would you
> let us know so Russ can tell the collector? If anyone has
> any suggestion post it on Aroid l or you can email it to us
> at
> Steve at ExoticRainforest.com
> Thanks!
> Russ Hammer and Steve Lucas
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