From: ju-bo at (ju-bo at on 2008.07.05 at 13:35:02(18081)
> From: abri1973 at
> To: aroid-l at
> Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2008 20:50:51 +0200
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Chaos in Monstera names
Dear Monstera fans,
Marek`s page (see link below) illustrates what I believe are the two forms/vars./clones of Monstera deliciosa.
How I wish someone (Tom??) would give us a definitive answer to the question constantly being presented---does M. deliciosa actually occur in two forms, the BIG var. , and a SECOND smaller, more vineing var. pictured in the web page posted by Marek (below). This seemingly smaller var. or clone is refered to as M. deliciosa "Borsigiana", which does NOT look like a Raphidophora sp.
Leyland in Hawaii has asked for clarification (he reports that he has a large colony of this smaller var./clone!), Harry at Selby has reported that he observed what he said was the BIG clone/var. in the wilds in Mexico---so we are left wondering if this smaller var./clone might be just a juvinile plant of the larger form, or another and much smaller var./clone of the same species! I guess we shall wait till Leland or someone else who has an old, established plant of the SMALLER plant sees it bloom!
The larger var. clone certainly is a heavy bloomer, my plant of this in my front yard which I grew from seed collected in a fruit at the late Jim Enck`s home blooms and produces fruit every year.
While I am pondering this aroid, let me pose a question which has thus far eluded anyone answering or suggesting a soloution. Monstera deliciosa was so named because it (at least the large clone) produces wonderfully fragrant and edible fruit. (do NOT attempt to eat this fruit unless you know what you are doing! Serious itching of the mouth can result). These fruit look like a huge banana, and consist of a LOT of flesh and just a few BIG seeds well ''hidden'' in this delicious flesh/fruit. I have thought about if perhaps this almost complete lack of seeds amongst the flesh was bacause of selection by ancient man, as it would not appear to favor a species of plant into producing a huge fruit with just a few or no seeds (unless it evolved in Mexico to be swallowed whole by one of the now extinct members of the tapir family, or even one of the extinct large mammals belonging to the also extinct ''megafauna'' which existed in that area up to around, I believe, 15,000 years ago.
Along these same ''non-seeded' lines of discussion--Think about the banana and breadfruit, both are select clones of seeded species, and both plants produce fruit without seeds, but they can not reproduce sexually, and generally speaking depend on man to multiply them by division of rhizomes in the case of bananas, or root offshoots of branch cuttings in the case of breadfruit. By the way, both bananas AND breadfruit exist with seeded forms. In bananas, the seeded plant is used as the female parent, and is hand-pollinated by a seedless plant's pollen to produce new seedless varieties. I believe that in breadfruit all seedles varieties are from chance finds/selections by man from amongst the different varieties, I am not aware if any breeding ever took place using the pollen from the seedless trees to hand-pollinate the seeded fruit-bearing trees.
Food for thought, eh??
Thanks to Marek, Harry, Leyland and everyone else who have added their information, photos and opinions to the discussion on Monstera deliciosa and other Monstera species!
Good Growing,
| +More |
>>Yes, it is. Rh. tetrasperma has deeper 2nd row veins, and usually 3 lobes
> (Monstera 'Borsigiana'can have more) very deeply cut.
> For comparison here's a page on Monstera deliciosa 'Borsigiana'
> (I thought it was M. pertusa that's why this deceiving filename, sorry, I
> must change this.)
> Marek
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Eric Schmidt"
> To: "Discussion of aroids"
> Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 3:32 PM
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Chaos in Monstera names
> > Is this Rhaphidophora tetrasperma?
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Eric
> > Orlando,FL
> >
> >
> >
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