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  [Aroid-l] Monstera deliciosa
From: Steve at ExoticRainforest.com (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.07.02 at 13:52:42(18047)
I had to dig and dig but I finally found most of the pieces. I put it back together in some for or another and Russ Hammer helped last night to try to make sense out of my mess of words. The page is back up this morning but isn't in the exact form I originally had planned. I did use one of your quotes Pete to try to make a point as to why some folks confuse Monstera and Rhaphidophora. It dawned on me this morning I left out the part about Monstera deliciosa having been the first plant featured on a cover of Aroideana, so I've got a little more work to do!

This one is now saved in 5 places! But finding something gone and not being able to figure out why is frustrating!


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