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  [Aroid-l] Monstera question..
From: gartenbaureisenberger at web.de (Helmut Reisenberger) on 2008.06.24 at 09:54:45(17938)
Dear Leland,

thank you for your contribution. This discussions encourages me to go deeper into that theme.
So far I have taken photos of my Monsteras , showing the growing habit, leaves, some inflorescenses - mainly of juvenile plants. Some of the images I am using for my commercial offers, where I still go back to common synonyms to distinguish the different leave forms and growing habits. But in the product description I tell my customers the taxonomical truth, which commonly is difficult to understand.
Back to the photos: In addition to the images I have available straight away, I will take more detailed pictures of my Monsteras in my collection, including some unidentified ones, where I not even do know if they are Monsteras, Amyridiums or Raphidophora. I think I will create a big discussion with some of my species and I am thankful in advance for any help to put my "desasterious collection" in the right light.
As I stated before, most of my aroids collection had been put together from donations (mainly cuttings) which I received from old samples displayed in various old botanical collection in Central Europe, while in most cases hardly anyone could tell me, where the plants originally had been collected.
So I think any ID work would be very very valuable for all.
At the same time, I want to tell the forum about the fact, that there are highly intersting botanical collections as well as a lot of interested enthusiasts in Central Europe. Anybody interested? Do not hesitate to contact me for details.


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