From: gartenbaureisenberger at (Helmut Reisenberger) on 2008.06.24 at 03:35:17(17933)
Dear Jeremy, Dear All!
I still do not know, if my original message got through to you, because it never has been confirmed.
I want recommend to you and to all aroiders to pay a visi to the Central European (indoor)collections of aroids, including a lot of rarities.
First to be mentioned the extensive collection at the Austrian Federal Gardens, based on some original plants dating back to H.W. Schott?s findings.
Only a few aroids are presently displayed to be seen by the public, but they have a restricted area (two greenhouses) where you might find a wide variety of Anthuriums, Monsteras and Philodendrons, some of them rarely seen in other places. A visit could be organized.
The Botanical Garden of the Vienna University (HBV), one of the oldest botanical showgrounds in the world, has not too many aroids to offer. Outstanding and spectacular are two huge climbers with adult leaves (Epipremnum pinnatum aureum, Rhaphidophora decursiva). Other rarities of aroids you might find in hidden spots. Of interest - to my opinion - are some new (unidentified) Anubias, which had been collected by one of the expert gardeners.
The Botanical Garden of the City of Linz (Upper Austria) also has some beautiful aroids to offer, like a very big Anthurium veitchii. Other aroids are spread over the undergrowth of the tropical section. Stunning for me is a huge climber at the entrance to the Orchid collection. I think it is Monstera lechleriana, but I am not to sure.
Of interest in Austria it also might be, to pay a visit to the Museum of Natural History (NHM), where they have a fine collection of drawings and paintingsm, dating back to the early days of aroid collection. Dr. Tom Croat knows a lot about this.
To the places, mentioned above, I would take you around and arrange meetings with the relevant experts.
Also to be recommended are old living plants collections in Poland, Slowakia and in the Czech Republic. These also date back to the early days of extensive botanical collection missions in the 19th century. I know some people to make contacts for a vist.
Not to forget is visit in the Botanical Garden of Munich (Germany), that had once been under the invaluable guidance of Dr. Bogner. Unfortunately I myself have never been there, but everybody talks about a comprehensive collection of aroids.
At last but not at least I would like to recommnd the Botanical Garden of the Darmstadt University (Germany), wherefrom I once got a cutting of Monstera tenuis - which recently has been in discussion in this forum. They do have a nice arrangement of tropical plants with a huge Typhonodorum lindleyanum in the middle of an indoor pond.
Finally I think this little information might be valuable for all aroid lovers. To Jeremy and to all: Do not hesitate to contact me, Helmut Reisenberger "gartenbaureisenberger at", if you plan to pay a visit to this part of the world.
Good Growin?