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  [Aroid-l] Alocasia zebrina reticulata
From: lbmkjm at yahoo.com (brian lee) on 2008.06.23 at 11:03:11(17918)
Dear Enid and Julius,


I will follow through on assembling what information I can find out on this end. Could someone post clear photos of the plants in question? I think it would be helpful to have petiole and leaf blade photos of Alocasia zebrina and the variations. Inflorescences would be great. Including photos of the Alocasia zebrina variant known as tigrina and Alocasia 'Tigrina Superba'...unofficial names in circulation; would be instructive. If anyone grows all or more variations...perhaps a side by side photo would be illustrative.

I have grown a few Alocasia zebrina through the years,but I have lost them since I grow them in the ground and ignore them. At some point, I put all my plants in the ground ( unless they are epiphytes)...are they prone to nematodes? I grow some of the small species of Alocasia in the ground and if they survive a year or two, they seem to settle down and be less prone to rotting and disappearing. Some of these are very tough once they pass the "delicate stage". Some disappear for a while and return from "dormancy"...as it were, and grow without much fuss. I have had some Alocasia rise like the phoenix after years of no above ground growth...but the new plants have a resilience unlike the plants I originally planted...which were rot prone and delicate. A tangent I thought I'd share...if anyone out there has had similar experiences.



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