Thomas B. Croat, Ph.D.
P.A. Schulz Curator of Botany
Missouri Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
phone: 314-577-5163; fax 314-577-9596; email croat@mobot.or
St. Louis, Missouri
August 8-11, 1999
Plans are being made for an international conference dealing
exclusively with aroids. This conference will follow
immediately after the 1999 International Botanical Congress which
is also being held in St. Louis. The XVI International Botanical
Congress will be the first held in North America since 1969 and
it is expected to draw record numbers of participants. Since the
time constraints of the IBC are such that it is not possible to
hold a symposium on a single family lasting more than one
half day it was deemed best to use this IBC opportunity by holding
a longer meeting for an aroid conference. It will be the first
time that significant numbers of Latin Americans are expected to
attend these international meetings. This is especially exciting
since there are increasingly larger numbers of aroid enthusiasts
and researchers in Latin America.
Although I already have a tentative schedule for what I
would hope to be the ultimate schedule, it is premature to
circulate this now since many of the prospective speakers have
not yet responded. What is planned are three days of meetings
filled with interesting topics. The tentative schedule includes
a discussion of Araceae in large and small floristic regions,
revisionary works of a variety of genera, glimpses at the best
public and private collections of Araceae, horticultural research
programs, horticultural and systematic techniques and procedures,
the registration of hybrid plants, and many other miscellaneous
topics. In all over 50 presentations will be made during the
three day conference and an additional general lecture will be
held each of three evenings. An unlimited number of poster
sessions will also be made available for those who are unable to
be fit into the schedule or who prefer to have their
presentations on display all during the conference. In addition I
am hopeful that we will have opportunities for video displays and
computer terminals available for those of you who wish to display
your own web pages or some special program.
Early in 1998 I will be sending out more information in the
First Circular about these meetings but I am attempting at this
time to get together a mailing list of persons who think they would
like to attend and want their names on the mailing list for the
First Circular. Your name and address on this list does not commit
you to attend but I would like to begin planning and would like
some tentative numbers. We had around 60 in attendance in China
and a similar number in Moscow but I am really expecting that this
will be a more well attended meeting because St. Louis is centrally
located in the United States and much less expensive to visit.
There is also a potentially much larger audience of aroid
enthusiasts in this country owing to our large extensions into the
subtropics. In addition, St. Louis has a lot of unique interesting
attractions besides the Missouri Botanical Garden, the oldest of
its kind in the United States.
In addition to the Climatron the aroid research collections
numbering over 4000, the library and the dried herbarium
collections will be made available to participants. We also
expect to have available many aroids for visitors, many of them
distributed gratis to participants of the conference.
For many of you on Aroid-l I have only an e-mail address or
sometimes only a first name so if you do respond be specific and
give me a regular mailing address. While 1999 may seem like a
long time off in the future you will be surprised how time flies.
We are looking forward to hearing back from you.
Thomas B. Croat
P.A. Schulze Curator of Botany
Missouri Botanical Garden
Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A. 63166
Peter Boyce
Royal Botanic Garden
Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB
Dewey Fisk
International Aroid Society