From: Steve at (ExoticRainforest) on 2008.04.22 at 16:19:31(17439)
Thanks so much Ted. You are one of the people who helped me get "my ducks in a row". But I always urge anyone on this forum to point out anything that may be questionable on the site.
I received a great call yesterday from Neil Carroll regarding one of my pages and Neil helped me get some of the information corrected, or on the way to being corrected. I am not scientifically trained but I have a deep desire to understand my plants. Neil, thank you so much for your help! I consider the ExoticRainforest a project of the members of the IAS since so many of our members help me to write and edit the pages. My sincere thanks to you Ted for your note, but also for your help.
One other request if I may. I am seriously trying to find verified specimens of Anthurium hookeri, Anthurium jenmanii and Anthurium cubense. If any of you have specimens you will sell that match the scientific descriptions, please let me know. If you haven't read my pages on these three specimens, you might learn, as I did, none of the plants I had tagged with those names turned out to be those species. Dr. Croat has been of invaluable assistance in getting the information right on the pages (or at least I hope I have it right) but I still don't have actual specimens on any of these three. If you have extras, and they match the scientific material, please let me know!
Steve Lucas
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Let me weigh in on Steve and his wonderful notes. There is science of the sort buried in little-read journal papers. And then there is the promulgation of knowledge to a wider and interested audience.
To me Steve is an amazingly unselfish person. He adopts the completely constructive approach of allowing unlimited comment and correction. This is also science. It is true to the notion that scientific opinion is conditional on new information coming in. What emerges is a living source, populated by expert opinion and the best photographs anywhere.
We will probably never get all the ducks in a row for the naming of commercial offerings. But a public source that is open to the best available ID work is a blessing to us all. For those who care will always be interested.
Let me put in a cheer for the Exotic Rainforest.
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